Get Canceled
Get Canceled
Kids These Days
This week on Get Canceled, Sheryl and the gang take a break from sh*t talking about the disaster that is Gen Z to express concerns about today's parenting that will ultimately lead Gen Alpha down the same path. The number one offender is societal dependence on electronic devices. Look left, now look right - chances are you will see a child under 10 glued to mommy's cell phone. While this provides instant relief to both parent and child, underlying issues arise as real world skills are no longer being taught. It's time to let your children struggle, let them be bored instead of instantly gratifying their every need. It's real talk time for you parents out there, so don't get your panties in a twist. After all, Get Canceled is known for handling controversial topics with delicate gloves.
Continue to send your confessions - the good, the bad, definitely the dirty and of course the r*tarded- to getcanceledinfo@gmail.com and Sheryl will read them on the show!
DISCLAIMER: This show is for entertainment purposes only. The views expressed by the guests do not necessarily reflect the views of Get Canceled. All guests remain anonymous.
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