Get Canceled
This podcast is for entertainment purposes only! Each week, Sheryl invites her guests to talk about all things that get you shunned in today's woke, narcissistic, social-media obsessed society. No topic is off limits. This is why our guests remain anonymous. It's the only way to ensure a truly unfiltered experience. So if you enjoy utter nonsense, subscribe to the show, rate and review!! And remember, these retards get drunk for your entertainment!! Twitter: @GetCanceledPod
Podcasting since 2021 • 120 episodes
Get Canceled
Latest Episodes
So You Want To Play God
This week on Get Canceled, Sheryl and the gang continue to warn the masses about the dangers surrounding AI technology. It is no surprise that as America has become fat, lazy and stupid, artificial intelligence has become a welcomed escap...
Episode 145
The Robots Are Coming
This week on Get Canceled, Sheryl makes a bold prediction for the future and it's not pretty. It seems that as technology advances, human retardation advances, and the scariest advancement thus far is Artificial Intelligence. From r...
Episode 144
Bisexual Confession
This week on Get Canceled, Sheryl and the gang read another listener confessional whose email brings awareness to the spectrum of sexuality and what it truly means to be bisexual. In other words, put your party hats on and slide down that...
Episode 143